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All our decisions are published here as part of our commitment to being open and transparent. The decisions are anonymised so residents’ names are not used, but landlords are named. The decisions date from December 2020 and are published three months after the final decision date. In some cases we may decide not to publish a decision if it is not in the resident’s or landlord’s interest or the resident’s anonymity may be compromised. You can read more in our guidance on decisions.


Brighton and Hove City Council (202302918)

The complaint is about: The landlord's handling of repairs to the roof.  The landlord's response to the resident's concerns about the consultation process for the roof repair work.  The landlord's complaint handling. 

Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (202321199)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: handling of repairs and damp and mould at the resident’s former property. response to the resident’s concerns about her time in emergency and temporary accommodation. complaint handling.

Harlow District Council (202304637)

The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s: Report of a leak. Report of damp, mould and condensation. Complaint and request for compensation. The Ombudsman has also assessed the landlord’s record keeping.

Hexagon Housing Association Limited (202014900)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: Handling of a roof leak at the resident’s property. Provision of grounds maintenance which the resident pays a service charge. Response to the resident’s reports of bulk waste being left in the grounds of the property. Handling of the attendance and behaviour of contractors completing repairs at the property. Handling of the closure of an annex building at the property. Handling of the installation of a fire door at the property. Complaint handling.

Lincoln City Council (202304912)

The complaint is about: The landlord’s handling of the reports that she had to pay council tax on 2 properties. The landlord’s response to the resident’s report that it had her incorrect phone number. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports that it had provided incorrect information. The landlord’s response to the resident’s reports about the condition of the property when she moved in. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports that it missed appointments.

Orbit Group Limited (202202980)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s: Reports of repairs to the communal areas of the property. Concerns about its management of the communal areas of the property. The Ombudsman has also considered the landlord’s complaint handling.

Orbit Housing Association Limited (202333329)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s: Reports of damp and mould in the property. Request for replastering and repairs to walls and ceilings. Reports of damage to internal door frames. Associated formal complaint.

Peabody Trust (202220019)

The complaint is about the: Accuracy of information presented by the landlord to the resident during the sales process of the property. Landlord’s communication regarding its requirement for the resident to remove a shed from the property’s patio. Landlord’s complaint handling.