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All our decisions are published here as part of our commitment to being open and transparent. The decisions are anonymised so residents’ names are not used, but landlords are named. The decisions date from December 2020 and are published three months after the final decision date. In some cases we may decide not to publish a decision if it is not in the resident’s or landlord’s interest or the resident’s anonymity may be compromised. You can read more in our guidance on decisions.


Waltham Forest Council (202228943)

The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s concerns about: Overcrowding and her housing application to move. Repairs to the property, including: Damp in the bathroom and the property being cold. Repairs to the lighting. Rats in the garden. The Ombudsman has also considered the landlord’s complaint handling.

Westminster City Council (202326069)

The complaint is about: The landlord’s handling of the resident’s report of damp and mould in the bathroom. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s complaint. The landlord’s response to the resident’s report of no heating in the bathroom following the completion of works.

A2Dominion Housing Group Limited (202300662)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of reports of a faulty boiler and a carbon monoxide detector past its expiry date. The Ombudsman has also considered the associated complaint handling.

Birmingham City Council (202320507)

The complaint concerns the landlord’s handling of the resident’s reporting of a mice infestation to her property as well as to the wider block. This report has also considered the landlord’s complaints handling.

Camden Council (202304143)

The complaint is about the landlord's handling of the resident's concerns about the contractor's behaviour.

Camden Council (202315839)

The complaint is about: The landlord’s handling of damp and drainage repairs at the resident’s property. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s complaint.

Citizen Housing (202228236)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the applicant’s application to succeed her deceased grandmother’s property and whether it should have advised her of her rights earlier. This Service has also considered the landlord’s complaint handling.

Clarion Housing Association Limited (202217008)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: Response to reports of rubbish accumulation in the resident’s garden and associated staff behaviour. Response to the resident’s request for a sole tenancy and associated universal credit (UC) claim. Complaint handling .

Clarion Housing Association Limited (202300891)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of a power outage at the property and damage caused to his personal belongings. The Ombudsman has also investigated the landlord’s complaint handling.

Curo Places Limited (202224336)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: Handling of the resident’s reports that her property was cold and draughty. Response to the resident’s request for repairs to the rendering on her property as well as the driveway and wet room, and its decision to appoint a single point of contact. The Ombudsman has also considered the associated complaint handling.