Applications are open to join the next Housing Ombudsman Resident Panel – find out more Housing Ombudsman Resident Panel.

How we look after your data

The Housing Ombudsman processes personal information to enable us to carry out our statutory duties, which include the consideration and investigation of complaints, providing advice and information; recruitment and employment of staff.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of personal data and take our responsibility regarding the security of personal information very seriously. We will be clear and transparent about the information we are collecting and what we will do with that information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018.

Our Privacy Notices for Dispute Resolution and HR set out the following:

  • What personal data we collect and process about you in connection with your relationship with us and through your use of our website
  • Where we obtain the data from
  • What we do with that data
  • How we store the data
  • Who we transfer/disclose that data to
  • How we deal with your data protection rights
  • And how we comply with the data protection rules
  • All personal data is collected and processed in accordance with UK and EU data protection laws.

Contact details for the Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO BOX 152
Liverpool L33 7WQ

Telephone 0300 111 3000


If you have a complaint about how we handled your personal data you can complain to:

The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF