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Statement on cross-sector Housing Ombudsman consultation

30 November 2017

We welcome the Secretary of State’s announcement that there will be a consultation on options to improve redress across the housing sector.

external view of an apartment block

We welcome the Secretary of State’s announcement about a consultation on options to improve redress across the housing sector. One option being to create a single housing ombudsman to cover the social and private rented sector and new-build homes. While we’re the only ombudsman dealing with social housing complaints, we consider complaints about private landlords who are voluntary members of our scheme. We are in favour of extending access to redress across the sector.

We previously called for an expansion of our remit into the private sector in response to the draft Public Services Ombudsman (PSO) Bill. We also highlighted the potential to combine existing ombudsmen in the housing and property sectors into one scheme.

We agree that there are barriers to using our service. Notably the designated person arrangements introduced by the Localism Act, and raised in our response to the draft PSO Bill. We are currently consulting the sector about how those arrangements are working and how they might be improved. We look forward to responding to the Secretary of State’s proposed consultation in due course.

David Connolly, Interim Housing Ombudsman