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Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17 published

13 July 2017

The Housing Ombudsman’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2016-17, shows continuous improvement in the service with increased productivity and high levels of customer satisfaction. In 2016-17 we received 15,112 complaints and new enquiries and closed […]

Front cover of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17

The Housing Ombudsman’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2016-17, shows continuous improvement in the service with increased productivity and high levels of customer satisfaction.

In 2016-17 we received 15,112 complaints and new enquiries and closed 15,877. Our focus on supporting local resolution of disputes between the complainant and landlord resulted in 81% of cases received being closed without the need for a formal investigation. This helps to ensure issues are resolved at the earliest opportunity and prevent them from escalating.

There was an 18% increase in cases that went forward into the Ombudsman’s formal remit for investigation. These are the most complex and difficult to resolve. The number of complaints formally determined increased by 50% from the previous year to 1,649. Despite the increase in these cases, determination times significantly improved with 96% of cases determined within 12 months. Compared to 59% in 2015-16.

David Connolly, Interim Housing Ombudsman said: “The improvements in our service reflect the dedication and hard work of our staff. Through their efforts we’ve made a difference for many complainants. And we have played our part in supporting the sector to improve complaints handling and develop their services.”

The casework performance highlights show:

  • More cases closed than received: 15,877 closed compared to 15,112 received
  • Focus on local resolution maintained: 81% of complaints were closed without a formal investigation
  • Customer feedback exceeded all targets: overall 89% of customers thought we treated them well and 75% thought we helped
  • 50% more determinations issued than last year: 1,649 compared to 1,101
  • 96% of cases determined within 12 months, an increase from 59% in 2015-16
  • Exceeded the target on landlords’ compliance with orders: 99.6% implemented

The Annual Report and Accounts for 2016-17 is available online.